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A healthy social media platform to help college students find belonging.
We create a safe space to reflect on our lived experiences through the medium of voice. Together, we explore themes universal to life as a human - things we all go through like fear, courage, failure & success.

The goal is not to become an expert on mental health,
but rather an expert of our own experience.
Tech is powerful. You know that. & the design of social media platforms is negatively impacting billions of lives.
We don’t accept the unethical ways social media today has manipulated our fundamental human need to belong - been used to hijack our minds, outsource our self-esteem and magnify our tribal tendencies -
all in the name of profit at any cost.
AND the key to expanding our potential - as individuals & a collective.

We believe belonging is at the root of our mental health crisis
It's time to design technology for belonging at scale. It's time for technology to support
humanity's evolution & thriving.
Join us in redefining
what it means to belong.
Not based on what you DO,
Or anything you HAVE.
At Be to Belong, you belong by simply being.
Being all of who you are.

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